Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I'm serious about not just losing weight, but getting into great shape! So, I'm putting up the scary truth for the whole world to see. But seeing as no one has my blog may just be me talking to myself!

I found the little ticker thing, so that's up. I've been working out 3-5 times a week. A lot of stresses have been coming lately and that triggers bad eating for me. In my opinion, that's no different than drug use, alcohol abuse, etc. It just seems to be accepted more. Until you see someone extremely overweight and then people get judgmental. It's all an addiction.

Addiction - something the enemy uses to trap us in shackles. To tie us down in bondage. I break that bondage!

My brother has been dealing with substance abuse for most of his life, really! He got arrested last night for DUI. I'm hoping we can get him in a GOOD Christian program instead of him serving jail time. I used to think that it was a matter of just 'sucking it up' and quitting, instead of understanding it was/is a bigger issue. Addiction is demonic. People don't like hearing that or thinking that. It doesn't take away their responsibility, but it gives some hope of knowing why they are under 'compulsion' and that with prayer and fasting, they can be free.

Of course, its not always that easy. Neither is losing weight, but there is hope. He is GOD and He is all-powerful. Through His blood, we can expel demons. Awesome knowledge!

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